TAKMA Ltd. is an independent engineering and consultancy company that deals with activities in following areas:
- nuclear power plants,
- nuclear and radiation safety,
- nuclear fuel cycle,
- processing and storage of radioactive waste,
- conventional power plants, steam gas power plants, boiler houses, heat exchanger stations,
- construction and commissioning of industrial plants,
- commissioning of equipment after reconstruction and repairs,
- decommissioning of power plants,
- technical and fire protection safety,
- safeguard systems,
- translation of technical documents,
- quality assurance systems,
- leasing of the qualified workers and engineers,
- leasing of the office rooms.
The company TAKMA Ltd. was originally established and registered in the Business Register as NUPSESO engineering Ltd. in 1994. Before establishing the company all its shareholders had undertaken individually on field of the nuclear power. They transferred all their experience, work results and know-how to the newly established company. In 2007 the shareholders decided to change the company name to TAKMA Ltd.
Company has its own administration building and large service yard. Building is equipped with heated and unheated storage rooms also. All company area is guarded.
Since its establishing company performed a lot of works, mainly for Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant, Jaslovské Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant, Radioactive Waste Processing Centre in Bohunice and external teledosimetry system of Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant. Company cooperated with EUCOM consortium (Siemens and Framatome) at designing and implementation of the safety improvements at NPP Mochovce, provided technical support for Iberdrola at retrofit of the main condensers and moisture separators at NPP V2 Jaslovske Bohunice, performed technical support for various nuclear projects of WorleyParsons. Company currently performs the coordination of the construction activities for Slovenske elektrarne at completion of units 3 and 4 of NPP Mochovce.
Company provides the services for conventional power plants, heating plants and other industrial plants also. Company performed the commissioning works of waste incinerating plant in Bratislava. Company worked for Siemens at commissioning of the gas steam power plants Zayzoun (Syria) and Sumgait (Azerbaijan), provided technical services for E. ON at construction and commissioning of the gas steam power plant in Malzenice (Slovakia).
Our main customers: Slovenské elektrárne, České energetické závody, Siemens, Framatome, Skoda, EdF, Nukem, Iberdrola, E-ON, WorleyParsons, Enel, AREVA.
The detailed survey of the works performed is described in "List of References".
Construction and commissioning of the plants:
- cooperation with the state authorities at permitting process and construction of industrial facilities,
- preparation the compliance certificates of the equipment,
- evaluation and selection of suitable suppliers,
- checking quality and progress of works at manufacturer’s facilities,
- project management during construction and commissioning of industrial plants,
- computerised planning and progress evaluation,
- delivery and erection of the plants on turnkey basis,
- rinsing and flushing of equipment after erection,
- elaboration of commissioning programs,
- performance of state authorities functional tests of technological systems,
- management of the trial tests,
- periodical tests of equipment under operation,
- issuing protocols for tests done,
- elaboration of operational documentation.
Engineering services:
- solutions for non-standard operational states,
- surveillance programmes,
- regular functional tests of the important operational plants
- safety reports,
- expert analyses and studies,
- crisis management at failures and accidents of the technological systems,
- development and implementation of the quality assurance systems,
- quality systems audits,
- elaboration of technical documents, databases and diagrams,
- provision of qualified workers, technicians and engineers for other companies.
Translation and interpretation – for our core business partners only:
- translation of technical documentation from Slovak/Czech to English and vice versa,
- interpretation – English to Slovak.
Qualification and certificates:
TAKMA Ltd. was the holder of the licence issued by the Slovak Nuclear Regulatory Authority in accordance with Law No. 130/1998 of the Code (so called Atomic Law) in following scope:
- import of the classified equipment of the nuclear facilities or their parts or materials for their manufacturing,
- tests of the classified equipment of the nuclear facilities in phase of commissioning and operation of the nuclear facilities.
TAKMA Ltd. was registered in the Central Consultancy Register in Brussels as the consultant for PHARE / TACIS programs with awarded registration number SLK - 20408.
TAKMA Ltd. is a member of the Slovak Nuclear Society.
TAKMA Ltd. owned its own “Quality Assurance Program for Nuclear Power Plant Mochovce – NMS21b”. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Slovak Republic approved this program by its Resolution No. 77/98. This program allows our company to act as direct supplier for NPP Mochovce.
TAKMA Ltd. was a holder of “Quality Assurance Program for Reconstruction of Nuclear Power Plant Bohunice”.
TAKMA Ltd. gained the certificate allowing works with confident information issued by The Slovak National Safety Agency.
TAKMA Ltd. is certified supplier of Slovenske elektrarne in following areas: civil, mechanical and electrical design of power plant, engineering services, supply of mechanical equipment, consultancy and services for nuclear facilities, testing and commissioning of equipment and updating of technical documentation.
Leading staff of TAKMA Ltd. have a long-term experience in operating and putting nuclear power plants into operation (Nuclear Power Plants V-1, V-2 Jaslovské Bohunice, Nuclear Power Plant Mochovce, Nuclear Power Plant Temelin) and other industrial branches also (waste incinerating plant, industrial heat exchange plant, gas-steam cycle power plants).
The present-day TAKMA Ltd. personnel consist of 17 full time employees.
To cover specific requirements of the customers company co-operates with group of well proved external specialists.
The translation works are performed by our own engineers and also by means of group of the qualified external translators.
The members of TAKMA Ltd. personnel are (or were at the time of working at power plants) holders of the following certificates:
- Shift engineer of VVER 440 (PWR Russian type reactors),
- Reactor operator of VVER 440,
- Conventional island operator of VVER 440,
- Physicist of the nuclear reactor,
- Certificate according to the Slovak Work Safety Bureau Decree No. 66/1989,
- Internal Auditor of the quality assurance systems according to standards ISO 9000,
- Leading Auditor of the quality assurance systems according to standards ISO 9000,
- Certificate according to Decree No 718/2002 of the Code – for pressure vessels,
- Certificate of ability for production and distribution of electrical and thermal energy according Law No 70/1998 of the Code.
The most important aim of the TAKMA Ltd. is to satisfy the requirements of its customers and provide them the excellent services.
Company established and uses the quality assurance system according to the international standard ISO 9001.
Each company employee is due to understand and apply the statements of the quality assurance system properly.
The Quality Manager, subordinated directly to the director, is responsible for company quality system.
To keep the quality of works and products “The Project Quality Assurance Program” is elaborated for each project.